July 19 2014 – Matthew Willard, Co-Founder Patriotic Partners of North Florida; Joseph Burgess, Principal of Lawton Chiles High School


July 19 2014 – Matthew Willard and Joseph Burgess

Matthew Willardone of the  founders of PPNF (Patriotic Partners of North Florida) will be one of our guest this Saturday. Matthew is a native Floridian who joined the United States Navy in 1987. After his discharge in 1991, he traveled to Tallahassee Florida where he received his law degree at Florida States University. Matthew will share with us his purpose for PPNF and upcoming events that will be hosted by the organization.

Joseph Burgess, Principle of Lawton Chiles High School is another one of our guests this Saturday. He along with some other faculty members will come in and speak to us about what he is currently doing as a new principle to assure that the institution is performing at excellence.