November 10 2018 – Tallahassee Community Chorus, Junior League of Tallahassee and Nancy Dignon


In the days leading up to the arrival of Hurricane Michael, Meteorologist and Tallahassee Community College Meteorology Professor Nancy Dignon provided our community with invaluable insight and updated information using her Facebook platform. Well known to the Tallahassee area, having served as a broadcast meteorologist with local tv stations, Nancy is highly respected for her ability to bring complex information to her audience in a manner that is immediately comprehensible. Nancy will talk with Brien about her early concerns when Michael was yet a tropical storm and provide us further understanding as to the un-duplicated manner in which Michael increased to hurricane force in a short period of time before making landfall.

Tallahassee Community Chorus celebrates its 31st season with their opening performance entitled EXULTATION! featuring Bach’s Magnificat in D Major and Handel’s Messiah. Executive Director Randall Webster, Assistant Conductor Carlton Kilpatrick, and Tallahassee Senior Center Community Relations Coordinator Lori Swanson will talk with Brien about this thrilling concert opportunity for our community. In the wake of recent tragic events, Tallahassee will find great solace in this inspiring performance of this magnificent 300-voice world-renowned chorus under the direction of Artistic Director Dr. Andre J. Thomas. The show is scheduled for Sunday November 28 at 4:00pm at Ruby Diamond Concert Hall. Tickets can be purchased HERE.

The Junior League Of Tallahassee is stepping out once again in creating an inaugural event scheduled for January 11th, 2019. The first ever Sunshine State Ball purposes to celebrate all things Tallahassee and underscore the contributions our community brings to the state of Florida. This black tie event will help connect local community leaders and dignitaries with those in positions of state-wide leadership. The ball is scheduled for January 11th, 2019 at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. Tickets are on sale now HERE. Co-chairs Samantha Ferrin and Erin Choy will talk with Brien about the history and mission of Junior League and the contribution of this remarkable event.