May 31st 2014 – Gary and JC Montgomery, Living Stones Ministries and Brandon Peterson,Prosperity Center at Goodwill of the Big Bend in Tallahassee


May 31st 2014 – Gary and JC Montgomery and Brandon Peterson

The founders of Living Stones International, Gary and JC Montgomery will talk with Brien about the vital work of this organization in its effort to care for the children of inmates and their personal dedication to children and families and they seek to build, improve and strengthen healthy family relationships.

Goodwill Industries of the Big Bend is about to open their innovative “Prosperity Center” on June 5 which intends to offer life-improvement training and activities including a “GoodGuides Youth Mentoring” program. Director, Brandon Peterson will talks with us about this innovative program and offer a backstage view of how Goodwill is integrating all of their training opportunities and personal growth services.