May 24th 2014 – Simon Anderson, Futurist and Author and Kevin Kjellerup, President of the Tallahassee Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development


May 24th 2014 – Simon Anderson Futurist and Author and Kevin Kjellerup President of the Tallahassee Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development

Our focus on Tallahassee’s emerging technology community continues this week as futurist and author, Simon Anderson with consulting firm, joins Brien for a frank discussion about the current status of this development and Anderson’s view of recent decisions among business leaders and community planners that may have us going in the wrong direction.

Business Developer and Trainer, Kevin Kjellerup, President of the Tallahassee Chapter of the
American Society for Training and Development will talk with Brien about the implications of these economic changes for local businesses and whether Tallahassee is ready to embrace this shift away from dependency on publicly-funded institutions and toward an entrepreneurial model of economic development.